crude oil refinery
Crude Oil Plant can be operated in the oil field to produce fuel for diesel
engines. It is simple-to-operate, easy-to-start, and easy-to-shut down. Fill
your diesel storage tanks and shut the plant down until it’s needed again.
Kalkanlar Crude Oil Refineries are skid mounted, modular crude oil
distillation units (CDU) which process from 100.000 Liter of crude oil per
Day and are capable of producing a variety of finished products including
naphtha (straight run gasoline), kerosene, arctic and summer diesel and
fuel oil. A reformer may be added for producing high-octane gasoline.
Two or more plants can be installed on a single site allowing the
simultaneous processing of more than one type of crude oil; and one plant
can still be in operation in the event one plant is down.
The Kalkanlar Models : KLKN100 Crude Oil Rafinery
• Can be set up and in operation within ten days after arrival
at a site wherethe foundation and storage tanks are in place.
• A single operator may restart the plant from a cold start and have
the plant in full operation in less than two hours.
• Are half automated and once an operator sets all the controlling
points, all product temperatures and flows are controlled
automatically. If a product specification drifts off or if a potentially
hazardous condition develops, the plant automatically adjusts itself
to a safe condition, without the help of an operator and a “first out”
annunciator signals the reason for the shutdown by a flashing red
light. The operator can then make the necessary adjustment or the
plant will automatically shut down.
• Only a flat support area or concrete slab without anchor bolts is
required to support the plant.
• Requires no water, steam, or instrument air. Fuel supply can be off-
gas, natural gas, naphtha, diesel fuel oil or a combination of these
Kalkanlar Industries builds the following additional equipment for its Crude Oil
• Special alloy(s) may be included in the plant design
• Desalter packages for removing salt from thecrude
• Naphtha, jet fuel, and diesel hydrotreaters for removing sulphur from
the products
• Reformers for producing high octane gasoline motor fuels
• Gasoline stabilizers for reducing the Reid vapor pressure of motor
• Asphalt vacuum units for producing
• Winterized skids for operation in Arctic weather
• Portable laboratory and control buildings withsupplies.
Kalkanlar Industries and its associated engineering and manufacturing
groups designs, manufactures and markets equipment capable of
processing from
100.000 Liter of crude per day (BPD). Multiple product streams can be
drawn from the distillation process yielding light naphtha, heavy naphtha,
kerosene /jet fuel, diesel and residual fuel oil.
Each process plant is skid mounted, modular in design and transportable to
the source of crude production or a pipeline location. System
commissioning at the site, on the small units, can be complete within 48
hours after arrival at the completed site. These units are easily relocated
with a minimum amount of field construction. Refined products produced
from a mini-refinery processing plant can be sold to local markets or
supplied as a feedstock for further processing and the residual oil returned
to the crude pipelines. Additionally, the residual oil product can be used to
fuel diesel-electric cogeneration plants for the production of electricity or
any heavy oil fired process equipment such as boilers, heaters and etc.
Technical Addendum – Operation
Typically, cold crude oil from off-site storage is received at the topping
plant battery limits and pumped by the crude charge pump on flow
control. The crude oil exchanges heat with the atmospheric tower product
The crude then flows to the crude heater where it is further heated and
partially vaporized. The crude heater is a direct-fired radiant-convection
heater, designed to burn off gas, natural gas and/or liquid fuel, or a
combination of these fuels. Constant heater outlet temperature is
maintained automatically by controlling the fuel to the heater.
Partially vaporized crude oil from the crude heater flows to the flash zone
of the atmospheric tower where the vapor and liquid separate. The vapor
flows up the tower where it is cooled and partially condensed by reflux to
form the side stream products. The liquid joins with the over flash liquid
from the first tray above the flash zone and flows to the reduced crude
stripping section in the bottom of the atmospheric tower.
The overhead vapor from the atmospheric tower is cooled and partially
condensed in the overhead condenser and flows to the overhead
accumulator where liquid unstabilized naphtha, water and uncondensed
gas separate. The water is automatically withdrawn from a boot on the
overhead accumulator and flows off-site.
A portion of the liquid naphtha from the accumulator is returned to the
top of the atmospheric tower as reflux to maintain the overhead vapor at
a constant temperature and the remainder flows to off-site storage.
Uncondensed gas from the accumulator flows on backpressure control to
be used as supple-mental fuel for the crude heater.
Un-stripped side draw product flows on tower temperature control from
its draw tray on the atmospheric tower to its stripper. The side draw
product is stripped with re-boiled vapor to control the flash point.
Product flows from the bottom of the stripper on level control, is cooled
by exchanging heat with crude, and then flows to battery limits.
Crude oil is formed naturally and contains untreated hydrocarbon components. Crude oil can be refined in order to obtain gasoline, diesel and various petrochemical products.
Crude oil may be referred as “black gold” and its color may vary between different shades of yellow and black based on its hydrocarbon content and viscosity. Heated distillation separation is the first step of purification.
Liquid mixtures that are colorless, volatile and flammable and obtained by distillation of crude oil under atmospheric conditions (30-170°C) are called as naphtha. It consists of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Naphtha is commonly used as solvent and an intermediate product. Technically, gasoline and kerosene that we use in our cars are among naphtha type mixtures. This liquid petroleum product is between light gases and heavy liquefied gases and it is volatile, flammable and it has specific gravity value of 0.7. Some intermediate products obtained from different stages of refinery and used in different applications are called as NAPHTA in order not to make the things more complex.
Being obtained by chemically treating crude oil, gasoline is one of the biggest energy sources of today’s world. Gasoline is considered as a must for automotive industry and its importance increases as the amount of world’s oil reserve decreases. It is used as a fuel due to its hydrocarbon content and during the history, gasoline has been continuously processed and developed by many scientists. It can be obtained synthetically by processing coal as well as the reaction between carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Although gasoline can be obtained synthetically and by carbon monoxide compounds, both methods offers low quality product. Besides the quality, cost of the product obtained by these methods are high and therefore these methods are not in use today. However, future promising researches are in progress at the moment. In the modern world of today, gasoline is obtained by separating organic compounds.
The most common use of gasoline obtained this way is for internal combustion engines. Additionally, it is used as a solvent in organic chemistry and as a fuel in some specially designed heating stoves. Having boiling point between 32 and 210 degrees Celsius and thus being an ideal fuel for internal combustion engines and automotive industry, gasoline is treated at first in order to be used in cars and as a result, commercial gasoline is obtained. Having ability to burn continuously in different rates and pressures, gasoline is also able to vaporize in some extent and makes cars start easily in cold environment, too. This feature in the cold weather conditions works in the opposite way in hot weather conditions and ensure that the engine is not flooded due to excessive vaporization. One another feature and one of the most important features of commercial gasoline is that it can be stored easily and without problem. Commercial gasoline can be kept in the fuel tank of a car for a long time and no oxidation occurs. It also decreases the occurrence rate of spark igniter and carburetor related problems.
Petroleum is found crudely in nature. When crude oil is separated in refineries, different types of fuel are obtained. Gasoline, jet fuel and of course, gasoline.
If you know what gasoline and diesel are, then you probably know that they have different features. Their odors are different, diesel is heavier, diesel vaporizes much slower and its boiling point is much higher than gasoline. Additionally, diesel fuel’s oil content is higher than gasoline.
As diesel is heavier, it vaporizes much slower. Diesel has more carbon content with respect to gasoline and the structures of its carbon compounds are longer. Chemical structure of diesel is C14H30 and it is C9H20 for gasoline. Diesel requires less refinery processes and therefore it is cheaper. Diesel demand has risen since 2004.
Diesel fuel has more energy density with respect to gasoline. On average, 1 gallon of diesel fuel has 155.000.000 Joules of energy whereas same amount of gasoline has 132.000.000 joules. This fact explains why diesel fuel powered cars have longer range than gasoline powered cars that have the same fuel tank capacity.
Diesel is used in vehicles and machines that require more power – like the engines of ships, buses, trains, cranes, agriculture vehicles and generators. For this reason, diesel fuel is important for economy. If diesel fuel hadn’t have high efficiency, construction and agriculture industries would have used inefficient fuels and lost money. 94% of freight shipment depends on diesel fuel, no matter it is land transport or sea transport.
There are some positive and some negative aspects of diesel for environment. One of the positive aspects is that diesel fuel emits so low amount of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon that cause global warming. One of the negative aspects is that diesel creates and emits high amount of nitrogen compound and particulate matter and these compounds cause acid rains, air pollution and bad health conditions.
By distillation process of crude oil, some amount of fuel oil is obtained as residue or as compound. Generally, fuel oil is used for heat generation in a boiler or furnace or for power generation in an engine and its flash point is around 40 °C (104 °F). Thus, it is a type of diesel fuel. Fuel oil contains long hydrocarbon chains especially like alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatic structures. Heavy fuel oil may be used as commercial type of fuel because it has high amount of gasoline and naphtha.